Preload Link Extractor from a List of URLs

Preload Link Extractor – Submit List of URLs via CSV File Finding Preload Links for webpages by checking the view-source URL could be a time consuming task. Imagine having to do this for a list of URLs from every page template to make sure that the sampled URLs show that the types of links that … Read more

Text Compare: Similarity Checker Between Two Texts

Similarity Checker Between Two Texts Content Similarity between two pages can lead to duplicate content issues which is a massive problem in SEO. This problem can lead to Technical SEO Issues like. Duplicate Google Chose Different Canonical than User Alternative Page with Proper Canonical Tag Page not getting indexed Just imagine, you have a website … Read more

Should you DNS-Prefetch all 3rd Party Domains?

What the heck is DNS-Prefetching anyways? DNS-Prefetching is how you resolve Domain Names before the resources are requested. Resolving domain names here means resolving a website’s IP address. What happens if you don’t do this? If you don’t leverage DNS-Prefetching then that can add several extra seconds for the resource to load & that can … Read more