The SEO Glossary – 65+ SEO Terms & Definitions

seo glossary

Decode Digital Market has covered a lot of content on SEO so far, whether it be SEO Mistakes, Link Building methods, Guest Blogging. Today, we will take a look at important SEO Glossary terms that SEOs toss around, leaving others around them confounded as if they are using the Dothraki language from “The Game Of … Read more

22 Deadly SEO Mistakes To Avoid in 2022

deadly seo mistakes

Table of contents Not Optimizing Google My Business enough Ignoring Structured Data Markup and Search Features Not working on making the UX Stunning Ignoring branded keywords Focusing merely on bots and not users Ignoring Mobile users Unclear SEO Goals Not Leveraging the right SEO Tools Not performing the SEO Audits Not paying attention to site … Read more

10 Powerful Benefits Of Guest Posting

Benefits of guest posting

When I was new to blogging I tricked myself into believing that just putting out good quality content is more than enough to see astonishing results. Results like ranking higher on high search volume keywords, boasting higher domain authority, building my tribe via subscribers and more. But soon the “Hope Bubble” burst into a million … Read more

9 Ways To Find Guest Posting Opportunities

find guest posting sites

How to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities [9 Ways that Don’t Suck] Still, wondering how to find high-quality guest blogging opportunities? In fact, let’s begin with WHY you need it in the first place. Here’s the deal, creating good content with an intent to providing value to the community and yet seeing no visitors show up … Read more

How to Make Web 2.0 Backlinks That Will Help You Rank Higher

web 2.0 backlinks

Are you looking for a quick way to build DoFollow Backlinks? In this post I will teach you how to create Web 2.0 Backlinks. But before that a let’s understand the challenges. Creating backlinks is more of a science than an art, to be honest, why? Simply because you will find a plethora of opportunities … Read more

5 Easy Link Building Methods

link building methods

Do you wanna rank higher in the World’s Favorite Search Engine—Google? Well, who doesn’t? Like it or not but it takes more than just awesome content, Technical SEO & On-Page SEO to rank well; these things are undoubtedly important but Do you know what’s more important?  It’s LINK-BUILDING 🔗 Google just loves the websites that … Read more