How to Use Schema Markup to Increase Your E-A-T

how to use schema to increase your e-a-t

Today, digital marketers and SEO agencies adapt to various strategies to optimize the web contents they’re handling. However, digital marketing is crucial and it requires more than just having “a well-curated site” or producing “mind-blowing content.”  You may already know about social media marketing, content marketing, or influencer marketing. But one strategy that’s deemed effective … Read more

What are the traits of a website with a Bad Backlink Profile?

traits of website with bad backlink profile

Over the years there has been an observable shift from quantity-centric backlink building activities to quality-centric backlink building activities. The latter has had a positive impact on the ROI whereas building backlinks just for the sake of it; just to show the client a certain number is as good as not doing it at all. … Read more

How to check if a website has Google Analytics [4 Ways]

Let’s first establish why would you need to check if a website has Google Analytics installed. Two things If you’re here seeking answer to “How do I tel if a website has Google Analytics?” then chances are, you are performing an SEO Audit for a client and you are checking whether he has GA installed … Read more

Link Building Quality Vs Quantity – Who WINS?

link building quality vs quanitity

Links are how Google understands the relationship between the web pages of the same website as well as relationships among different websites. It is how it understands the authority of a website. Which begs the question of whether Link Building should be quality based or quantity based. Link Building Quality VS Quantity has long been … Read more

3 SEO Tips for Carpet Cleaning Companies

carpet cleaning seo

Carpet Cleaning is a kind of Local Services business that can benefit greatly from SEO. 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine (source), what makes you think that people are not searching for the services you offer online? Search Engine Optimization is an iterative process of optimizing websites for search engines by getting … Read more

How To Use Bing URL Submission Plugin For Faster Indexation?

how to use bing url submission plugin

Bing Webmaster Tools did it again! Bing has launched it’s WordPress Plugin called “Bing URL Submission Plugin” Using this WordPress Plugin you can have your links indexed instantaneously. Bing Webmaster Tool has been getting quite active lately, first they released their amazing beta version of Bing Webmaster Tools that let’s you analzye backlinks of your … Read more

E-Commerce SEO Case Study – Organic Sales Increase by 278.66% in 3 Months

Company Overview: The company is in the business of selling Fabrics all over Canada at bulk quantities. They have been in business for more than 50 years and has their presence in physical stores and the e-commerce website as well. What was their challenge? Their greatest challenge was that they weren’t getting enough organic sales … Read more